Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

As most of you already know, my Mom was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer last October. She recently finished her Radiation treatments and is well on her way to receiving a clean bill of health. As you can imagine, this was quite a scare for her and all of our family. But, she is a fighter and is winning her battle against Breast Cancer. This has motivated me to do what I can to help in the fight against Breast Cancer in Honor of my Mom and all the other men and women who have endured the same fight.

I will be volunteering my services at the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk” put on by the American Cancer Society at O’Donnell Park at the Milwaukee Lakefront on Saturday, May 3rd. I am asking all of you to join me in the fight by participating in the walk or by simply making a donation.  

You can get more information about the walk and putting together a team by going to  If you would like to walk but don’t have a team, feel free to contact me 262.492.3893.  My sister has a team and as she always says “the more the merry”.  She would love to have you join her team.  And then, you can stop by the booth of Kimberly Ann Photography and have your picture taken. So, let me know if you would like to walk with my sister and her team and I will get you the Registration information ASAP.  If you can’t join us on May 3rd and would like to make a donation, you can donate by clicking the link above to donate or make a check payable to “The American Cancer Society“, send it to me and I will make sure they get it.  It’s for a GREAT cause.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. I hope you will join us in making a difference. ~Kimberly


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