Beautiful Sisters!
{Lake Geneva Wisconsin Child Photographer}

I do know that I said this before but feel that it is worth repeating… One of my favorite parts of my job is watching kids grow and families blossom from 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 etc.  I have been photographing these sisters for a couple of years now.  Ms, A is now 4 years old and I first photographed her when she was 18 months and mama was still pregnant with Little Ms. I, now 2 years old.  I first photographed her when she was 3 months old.  Every time mom calls to schedule a session, I get all giddy inside because I can’t wait to see them and how the girls have grown. 🙂  I just love this family to death and again, love being able to watch the girls grow.  Anyway, it was wonderful (obviously LOL) seeing you all again.  I had another fabulous time with you.  So, I know you are waiting, so here is your sneak peek.  While you are visiting my blog, click on the “add a comment” link below this post and leave me a comment.  I’d love to know what you think so far.  Thank-you, Kimberly