Fun and Beautiful Family
{Watertown WI Child/Family Photographer}

I was really, really looking forward to this session.  It seems like forever ago that mom called to schedule their photo session… oh wait, it was forever ago.  LOL  Then comes our day finally and really, the weather is not looking to promising.  We decided to wait and see what the day would bring and low and behold, it ended up being a “perfect” evening.  So, for anyone who asks why I wait until the last possible minute to “call” a session and re-schedule, this is “exactly” why.  Hey, it’s Wisconsin…. blink and the weather will change…. or, better yet, if you don’t like the forecast, change the channel and you’ll get a different one.  Hahaha!

Anyway, “L” family, it was so good to finally meet you all.  I had a lot of fun with you and the one legged duck (inside joke only known to myself and the L family LOL)…. and please, stop apologizing for the “riff raff”…. again, inside joke.  LOL…. You were all so wonderful to work with and I look forward to seeing you again.

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