High School Senior Guy… Class of 2012!!!
{Lake Geneva WI High School Senior Photographer}

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving and you filled your bellies full of turkey and stuffing.  I had a wonderful 4 day weekend filled with spending time with family and friends and getting a ton of Black Friday shopping in.  But now, it is time to get back to work and I am going to start my morning off with a sneak peek of a recent session.

This was another great session, gorgeous evening and a handsome young man.  I could not have asked for anything better for the ending of our class of 2012 season.  I had such an amazing year and have met so many amazing seniors this season… and of course, Mr. D here was no exception.  He was so easy to work with and I had a ton of fun at this session especially the urban scene and his MMA gear.

Anyway Mr. M, it was great meeting you and working with you.  I hope you had a great time as well and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Here is a little sneak peek for you and while you are visiting my blog, feel free to click on the “add a comment” link below this post to leave me a comment and/or click on one of the “sharing is sexy” buttons below this post to share with family and friends.  Thank-you, Kimberly